

Everyone talks about customer service, but we like to
let our customers speak for us. We are happy to
provide a complete customer list and invite you to
talk with them about our software, service and
support. If you are tired of the typical
automated attendant support tree or unresponsive
software vendors, we would like to raise your
expectations of what customer service and support
means for your company or jurisdiction.
Perconti Inc. has more than 45 years of
experience developing database management solutions.
We offer affordable
solutions for small, single-user departments to
comprehensive solutions for enterprises
with hundreds of users. Our software and
developers are praised by users, managers,
administration, technology departments, and third
party vendors.
maintenance and asset management
PDS worked closely with a large firm to redevelop
an aging maintenance and asset management program
and make it into a full featured, cloud-based
platform. Our software and database
development experience has put together a solution
that has enabled the customer to take on a
tremendous increase in work while managing each
project with increased service levels and